Active B12 | AB12 | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Albumin Creatinine Ratio | ALCR | Urine | 48 hours |
Albumin | ALB | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Alkaline Phosphatase | ALP | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Alanine Aminotransferase | ALT | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Amylase | AMY | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Anti Mullerian Hormone | AMH | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Apolipoprotein A1 | APOA | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Apolipoprotein B | APOB | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Apolipoprotein E | APOE | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Anti thyroglobulin Antibodies | TGAB | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
APTT | APTT | Citrate | 4 hours |
APTTR | APTR | Citrate | 4 hours |
AST | AST | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Comprehensive Testing Services
Our team of highly skilled pathologists, laboratory technicians, and support staff are dedicated to providing exceptional service. Our team bring a wealth of experience and expertise, ensuring that every test is interpreted with the highest level of accuracy.
At Alderley Lighthouse Labs we offer a broad range of pathology services to meet the diverse needs of our patients and healthcare providers, for our full range of tests please see our test menu:
Full Blood Counts, coagulation profiles, and specialised haematologic testing.
Clinical Chemistry
Comprehensive metabolic panels, liver and kidney function tests, and more
Molecular diagnostics for infectious diseases
Molecular Pathology
Genetic testing, cancer panels, infectious diseases and personalised medicine
Download our test menu here or view our full service offering using the interactive menu below
Sample Reqs.
B12 | B12 | SST/Serum | 24 hours |
Beta HCG | BHCG | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Bicarbonate | BIC | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Bilirubin (total) | BILI | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Blood Film Examinations | FILM | EDTA | 48 hours |
Blood Group | ABO | EDTA | 48 hours |
BNP (NT-pro-BNP) | BNP | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen) | UR | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
C Reactive Protein | CRP | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
C Reactive Protein (high sensitivity) |
SST/Serum | 48 hours | |
CA 125 | C125 | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
CA 15-3 | C153 | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
CA 19-9 | C199 | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
CA 72-4 | C724 | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Calcium | CA | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Calcium (corrected) | CCA | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Calcium/Creatinine ratio | CACR | Urine | 48 hours |
Calprotectin | CALP | Faecal | 48 hours |
Carcino Embryonic Antigen | CEA | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Cardiac Enzymes | CK | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Chlamydia | CHLT | Swab/Urine/Tampon | 48 hours |
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea | CHNG | Swab/Urine/Tampon | 48 hours |
Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea/Trichomonas/Genitalium | 4STI | Swab/Urine/Tampon | 48 hours |
Chloride | CL | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Cholesterol | CHOL | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Coagulation Profile | COAG | Citrate | 4 hours |
Conjugated Bilirubin | CBILI | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Copper | CU | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Covid-19 PCR test | COV | Swab | 48 hours |
COVID 19 Antibody (Roche) | COVAB | Serum | 48 hours |
Creatinine | CREA | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
eGFR | EGFR | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
ESR | ESR | EDTA | 24 hours |
Faecal Occult Blood/FOB (FIT) | FIT | Faecal | 5 days |
Ferritin | FERR | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Folate | FOL | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
FT3 | FT3 | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
FT4 | FT4 | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
FSH | FSH | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Free PSA | FPSA | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Full Blood Count (full diff) | FBC | EDTA | 24 hours |
Gamma GT | GGT | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Gardnerella vaginalis | GVAG | Swab/Urine/Tampon | 48 hours |
Globulin | GLOB | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Glucose | GLU | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Glucose tolerance test | GLUT | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Glycosylated HB | HBA1 | EDTA | 48 hours |
Gonorrhoea | NG | Swab/Urine/Tampon | 48 hours |
Hba1c | HBA1 | EDTA | 48 hours |
HDL Cholesterol | HDL | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Hepatitis A (IgM) | HAVIGM | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Hepatitis A Total Ab | HAVABR | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Hepatitis B ‘e’ antigen | HBEAG | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Hepatitis Core Antibody – IgM | HBCIGM | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Hepatitis Core Antibody – Total | HBCAB | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Hepatitis B sAg | HBSAG | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Hepatitis C Abs | HCVAB | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
HSV I/II PCR | HSV | Swab | 48 hours |
HIV 1 & 2/p24 | HIVD | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
HPV 16, 18 and all other high risk subtypes | HPV | Swab/Tampon | 48 hours |
IgE (Total) | IGE | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Immunoglobulin A | IGA | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Immunoglobulin E -total | IGE | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Immunoglobulin G | IGG | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Immunoglobulin M | IGM | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
INR | INR | Citrate | 4 hours |
Iron | IRON | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) | LDH | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Lipase | LIP | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Luteinising Hormone (LH) | LH | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
LDL | LDL | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Magnesium | MG | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Microalbumin | MA | Urine | 48 hours |
Mycoplasma genitalium | MGEN | Swab/Urine/Tampon | 48 hours |
Mycoplasma Hominis | MHOM | Swab/Urine/Tampon | 48 hours |
Oestradiol (E2) | OEST | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Omega 3 | OM3 | EDTA | 5 days |
Omega 3/Omega 6 | OM36 | EDTA | 5 days |
Phosphate | Phos | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Potassium | POT | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Progesterone | PROG | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Prolactin | PROL | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
PSA (total) | TPSA | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Protein/Creatinine Ratio | PRCR | Urine | 48 hours |
Prothrombin Time (PT) | PT | Citrate | 4 hours |
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin | SHBG | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Sodium | NA | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Syphilis by PCR | SYPCR | Swab | 48 hours |
Syphilis IgG/IgM | SYPH | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
T3 (total) | T3 | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Testosterone | TEST | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Testosterone (Free) | FTES | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Thyroid Peroxidase Ab/Anti TPO | ATPO | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Thyroxine (T4) | T4 | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) | TSH | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Transferrin | TRANS | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Trichomonas Vaginalis | TVAG | Swab/Urine/Tampon | 48 hours |
Triglycerides | TRIG | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Troponin T | TROPT | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
UIBC | UIBC | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Urate (Uric Acid | UA | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Ureaplasma Urealyticum | UU | Swab/Tampon/Urine | 48 hours |
Urea | UR | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Vitamin B12 | B12 | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Vitamin D (25-OH) | VITD | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
Zinc | ZN | SST/Serum | 48 hours |
*TAT is stated in working days (Monday to Friday) and applicable once the sample arrives in the lab
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